Dr. Patrick S. Föhl
Dr. Patrick S. Föhl is founder
and director of the Network
for Cultural Consulting. For
more then fifteen years he has
been dealing with issues of
transformative and
concept-based cultural
Short Biography
Dr. Patrick S. Föhl, born in 1978 in Berlin-Kreuzberg, acquired his PhD in arts management and has a degree in cultural work. Since 2004 founder and director of the Network for Cultural Consulting. He conducts various cultural planning projects in Germany and other European Countries (e.g. City of Potsdam, Cultural Region of Stuttgart, City of Plovdiv, Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region, various regions in Brandenburg and Thuringia). He has worked for different cultural institutions (e.g. Jewish Museum Berlin, Classical Foundation Weimar) since 1996. He is guest lecturer and speaker at various universities, colleges and institutions in Austria, Bulgaria, China, Egypt, Germany, Pakistan, Poland, Switzerland, Tunisia, United States and Vietnam and together with Prof. Dr. Armin Klein academic director of the Ulm Danube School for Arts Management. He has published extensively in the field of arts management and cultural policy. He has been on the board of the Fachverband Kulturmanagement since 2013.
Work, reserach and publication topics
- Transformative cultural development planning
- Concept-based cultural policy
- Cooperative / participative processes of cultural policy-making
- Collaboration development / networking
- Role of cultural managers in a changing society
- Cultural audience / audience and community building
- New methods in practical-oriented cultural management and cultural policy research
© Picture above by Patricia Haas